Sunday, August 31, 2008

Scoreboard: Casey-1 Elk-0

Casey shot this elk with his bow up at my grandpas house in birdseye. I had gone hunting almost everyday, but I was so so sick this day and hiking for miles was not appealing and of course the one day I don't go I miss all the excitement!! But in the end all I really care about is the jerky.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Drum roll please......

I know I said I did not have much time to blog these days but I really really really want to brag about my baby contest winner so I'm making time......

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Missing blogger?

Just wanted to let my friends and family know that we are all alive and well! But it is hunting season and that will always come first in the Grover Household. It's archery season and Casey has a spike/cow elk tag. I did not get one this year because we have way too many tags between casey, me, and his two brothers we do not have enough room for all that meat even with his parents freezers. I still want to be there for all the fun though! I have so much to catch up on but no picutres to go with it. I will just name a couple and after the hunts ends (which is on september 7th) I'll have time to post the pics and the full story! First of all McKoy won the salem days baby contest. I guess I can't say WON because there wasn't a real first place, but he won the BALD and beautiful award. He got a medal, and embroidered blanket, and cute little book. I'll have to figure out how to scan the pic they took so I can post it. There are no words to describe how cute this picture is! It show his big cheesy personality so well(Chiara, you must have taught him how to be such a cheeseball cause it ain't from me) Anyway and Caselyns first dentist appointment was today. If any of you have ever met my daughter I'm sure you have a very clear image in your minds at what must have gone on. Getting her to brush her teeth at home is like world war three, so to have some stranger trying to do it, I thought would be much worse, but she let them polish and floss all her teeth before she pushed their hands away. I did not take her to the dentist I work for because she for sure needs someone who specializes in Brat and attitude dentistry. The little turd does have 2 cavaties(I'm a little embarassed about that, ya know being a dental assistant and all.) And the dentist suggested we sedate her, that's a little scary but we'll see how it goes. We also took her to meet her pre-school teachers today. It was very emotional for me, but i held it in cause she was so excited and I did not want to scare her. I literally had to drag her out of there. She actually talked to Miss Karen and Miss Amy, and asked them to help her with things. She is so grown up, and I really don't like it very much! Anyway I will be getting back to you, hopefully with a post of the elk we shoot. If not there is always muzzleloader season!! Wish Us Luck!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My First Tag

4 people I Love: Casey, Caselyn, McKoy, and the rest of my family(does that count as only four?)

4 places I visit over and over: The Grovers, Walmart, Sportsmans, The Mall

4 people I text/email on a regular basis: Raschel, Chiara, Grandma Dayce, Abbie

4 favorite foods: Wingers Creamy AMAZING sauce(I would eat my own foot if it was dipped in that sauce), Cafe Rio Sweet Pork Salad, Artichokes, Elk roast

4 places I'd rather be: On a cruise, Disney Land, Grandma Dayce's House, Mountains

4 things I'd rather be doing: Reading, Sleeping, Camping, Hunting,

4 Movies I watch over and over: HOT ROD!, Clueless, Breakfast at Tiffany's, PS I Love you

4 TV shows I watch over and over: Scrubs, I Love Money, King of Queens, Hunting Southern Style

4 Bands I love: Rihanna, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, KT Oslin, Heart

4 Songs I love: Take a Bow- Rihanna, All I wanna do- Sugarland, Bleeding Love- Lionna Lewis,
and Handle Bars- Flobots

4 People I tag: Chiara, Chelsea, Abbie and Mandie